Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Click on Picture for link to URL location of Original Picture

Just a Word of Advice... Corology or Gemealogy as I Label it... is Not a Superstion... And of That I am More Than Vaguely Certain... Like Wands... If Believe or Know of Them... They Just Are... Magical...

Oh Well... Get interested or Not... At Least You've heard about it...

One Last Thing... Stay Away rom Moon Jems... They're Pretty Much How I Found Out With More Certainty... Also BLACK ONYX Gemstones Both Give Various Types Of Bad Luck as Well as Having Other Magical Properties.



According to Me The 3 Pair of Arms Traditionally Associated in the Representations of Shiva, which other than being the Indian Goddess of Destruction and Construction, Could also be Equatedd with The Egyptian Goddesses: Hathor, Sketmet and Bastet who are often Associated to being the same Goddess. This Basically Meaning that Shiva Had 3 identities, and this for a very Specific Reason. According to me it Relates to the Various Tasks she Executed, and given their Different Natures, Required that She Had the Necessity To Use 3 Identities. Her Hathor Version, being her Queen/Ruller Identity, Her Sekmet Identity, her Destructive/Vidictive Identity, and her Bastet Identity, her "Leasure"* Identity.

Otherwise, In Greek Mythology, I Equate Hathor with Persephone, Sekmet with Nemesis and Bastet with Artemis. As for Equivalents in Angeology, so far the oly Equivalent of this Trio, is the Equivalent of Sekmet/Nemesis: Af (Angel of Wrath).

*: By "Leasure", I Mean Tasks not Traditionally Associated or Accepted for Queenly or Vendictive Duties, Something More Similar to What Most People Call Today Work, and this Would therefor be Shiva's Constructive Side...


Should Suicide Be Consideredd an Damnable Act...?

Since when has the Vatican considered that suicidals go to Hell? If you ask me Jesus probably would have nothing against it... Think how it must be like to agonize on a cross... Don't you think he would have, if he could have, self-ended his suffering? Basically Suicide?

Also, I've got a feeling that he never pronounced himself about this type of thing, and I KNOW the Vatican sometimes change the rules of their Religion... Every year they publish a book about what the rules of the Catholic Church are, and the views/opinions they have on certain sujects.

This at first could seem like a good thing, demonstrating that they are not stubornly conservative, but they probably have been doing this in all the wrong ways, adding bad rules to the catholic religion instead of good ones... This originally must have been a very good intention, because the world changes, so it is good if the rules also change with it... But it's all Relative as to who's making the changing.

NB: The Picture of the Cut Up Arm is Not My Own (I Found it on the Internet), nor is it Of My Arm, I'm A Woman, and at Least To Me that Arm is Obviously a Man's Arm...


My Interpretation of Ezekiel 25:17

According Me Like Most Scared Texts, Over Time Translations and Re-interpretation of Original Sacred Texts Are Likely To Have Lost Some Of Their Meaning...

"Ezekiel 25-17, The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the Selfish & the Tearing of Evil men, Blessed is he who in the name of Charity & Good will, Sheppard's the Weak through the Valley of Darkness, for he is Truly his Brothers keeper & the finder of lost Children & I will Strike Down upon thee with Great VENGEANCE & FURIOUS ANGER those who Attempt to Poison & Destroy my Brothers, & you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my VENGEANCE upon thee."

As For The Specific Example Of The Bible Extract Ezekiel 25:17, I Personnaly Believe that the Words "... The Finder of Lost Children...", was Somehow Possibly (?) Reinterpreted from "...To What I Believe Was Originally Finder of Lost SOULS...", and  "my Brothers" something more like "my allies" as for "...And You Will Know My Name Is The Lord..." which Originally given That it Was Translated During The Feudal Era is To Be Possibly Undrestood as The LORD of the LAND(s) and Therefor Should Truthfuly Be Understood Within this Context as "...And You Will Know I Am Your MASTER..." Also The LORD of The LAND(s) is This Context the MASTER of his People, which are Therefor were Basically like Slaves or in that Historical Context, Or More Precisely known as Serfs.

Otherwise, Why is "Lord" Always (?) Interpreted or Labeled as GOD Himself...?


My Theory as To What Astrology Originally Was...

Click on Picture for link to URL location of Original Picture

According to my Deductions, it is my that the Ancient Western Mythological System of Astrology, might have Possibly Originally been, like what I Believe The I-Ching to be, Actually, has Nothing to Do about your Birth Date (well unless, Your (re)incarnation is Magically Corresponds with the Help of Luck to this System), but Rather Relating to Genetics, and thus according to what we traditionnally associate it to today, also to your Personnality. So Basically Genetics Dertermine your Personnality, which is also Affected by your Intellectual Abilities, which is also Determined by Genetics... And the I-Ching, or what Astrology Possibly Orginally was, is and Always was linked to Genetics, and very likely not only Applied to Humans, but also, other Annimals, Plants, and even Possibly, or Rather Likely also Simpler Inanimate Chemical Combinations of Atoms...


The Curse of Love

Some of you may already know... Especially among certain people in Masonry from what I've heard... There is Curse on Love... But For those of you who don't ... Ask arround... And otherwise here's what I've heard...

Basically TRUE Love can not in our World... By true Love I mean: "To Love and be Loved in Return" or basically what some consider "the Greatest Thing", basically to be Love and be Loved in Return. And what's worse is that This applies to not only Enamourous Relationships, Frienship Love, Blood Relative Love. (NB: in all it's forms Incestual or not)... Even Relationships between co-workers seems to be somewhat or Entirely under the influence of this Curse... It seems that the way it works is that the more Love there is one side the Less there is on the other side... But... This in no way means that Hating others will get them to Love You, because... Isn't it "Beautiful"... And actually quite apparent I think, that Super Dooper at least Mutual Hate Exist... Hurray...

So you are basically either the Fool or the Fooler... And in the case of those who Fool, unless it is with the purpose of Righteous Revenge* know now that you are cursed to never know happiness and will be cursed with Bad Luck under it's various Manifestations both onto the you personnally but also your "Clan"... And... Will likely one way or the other, also have your turn at being the Fool... And when it will be your turn, the Pain you will feel will always be possibly or likely in an even more humiliating and emotional hurtful way than those you fooled...

Otherwise, for those of you who have been the fools, well, like me even if personally other than Aquiering some wisdom by being one, I at least had somewhat of an illusion... For some it's the Next best thing.

Otherwise is a very interesting strange of Love which can only exist in very "interesting" circumstances basically what I call Agolove, which can even if it never exit for long, mutually is still a deep emotion of some form of Love, but more often a sense of need for emotional Comfort**, and too often again not Mutual... The indivisuals involved in Agolove are itend to be in so much Mental and/or Physical Anguish that anyone Arms are good enough to Confort them...

And This just Reinforces my Nihilislm in Relationships... So, Sorry not into being the Fool or the Fooler, even for Vengeance... I just can't stand even bear the idea of breathing the same air of those I Hate, so Fooling them back and hitting them where it hurts the most in Person, would just because of the negative of bearing their presence outweighs the positive satisfaction of Vengeance and therefor not be Worth it... Especially since at least in my case, Fate usually Naturally take it's toll on them...

Otherwise if you're wondering who's responsible for this curse... It is my determined belief that the curese of Poops Hoggy of Masonry for that... Because it is It's incredible what those completely replusive freaks will do because of REJECTION...

Question: would you sacrifice youself as a "Whore" so that mankind, which in most or all cases Hate so that a "Hoggy "Care" Poop" can have you, just because he obssessed about you...? And why You... ? Putting simply you are his Obsession, because your Soul is What he Craves, Greeds For... Why extactly...? It get's complicated... But no matter how you put it, is Sick... This Freak (whether he realises it or not) it feels only wants you more as a Possession than as a Person to "Truly" Love and Care for... And somehow Believes that with YOU he can HAVE "the Greatest Thing" and only seemingly because of this obssessively GREEDS for you...

Especially when, it at least to me is apparent that, he is incapable of TRUE love, let alone understand it, since in his Obssession To Love ME, has been a extremely strong influence in Destroying Me... And why with all the Harm he has Caused me should this Freak be Alloud to Satisfy his Obssession and get this "Greatest Thing" especially when grasping it's Essence is more than likely impossible for him? This Pathetic Freak and his dreadful stubbornness WILL EVEN WANT THE END OF WORLDS (as well as damning the World To Live Without "Greatest Thing") over not being able to get what he Ridiculously Obssessively Wants...

And, Worse it seems Impossible to Escape his Greed for You... It seems that No matter what, he will Always Want you, and there is nothing you can do to Stop it... Or Nearly, it seems that reccently, after centuries of persuing Me (along with the Rest of "Hoggy Poops" he has finnaly directed his Seek for ""the Greatest Thing". Apparently he finnally Got it... As For the Other ""Hoggy Poops", it's Relative as To whether they will be able to Steal My Indentity...

Otherwise, had his persuit of Me not Ceased, I want to make it clear that even if I were to Sacrifice my Body, Pride and Ego, there is nothing I could ever do to Truly be Able to Love or Even Truly Bear this "Human" or his Family, as well as the Rest of the "Hoggy Poops"... It Just Simply that His as Well as the Rest of the "Hoggy Poops" Auras, attitudes and Voices *** are Like Poison to Me, PURE TORTURE!

Well that's Just how I Feel... But from what I've understood, I'm not Alone, But possibly some fear to Speak Up... For me just Impossible, even in a Context where I do not know how much I should Hate these "Hoggy Poops" for all the harm he and they have caused me in this and/or their and my passed Lives... And within this Context really makes their Persistance of their Persuite Outrageous... Otherwise... If any of you Prideless or Possibly Heroic Massochists out there think you bear his (or their) "Care", than please do, and get these Freak of Leeches away from me and Maybe this could get Curse to be Lifted? But from what I have heard, people are only truly able to bear him and the rest of the "Hoggy Poops" after having been subdued to Severe Physical and/or Mental Trauma, or are like Them (From what I've heard) ex-Whores that are Ridiculously Obssessed about Being Posh, or possibly in rare Cases under the influence of Black Magic... So Good Luck...

And even will want the worlds end over not being able to be Loved by the one they are obsessively in "LOVE".

And then why on Earth should I have to bear God knows how many people Hating and/or Destroying Me over Rejecting this unbearable "Human"... Furthermore this utterly unbearable Hoggy "Care" Poop is not the only Destructive Element of his "Race"... And sometimes I strongly wonder if he isn't' the only "human" responsible for this Curse of Love... It's Horrifying of the extent of Unethical Actions that certain individuals will do to because of Rejection... Yes... He isn't the Only one who has destroyed my Life over Greeding for me... And in the case of others it is even Uglier... And I fear that for too long now our world has been ruled by these Social Rejects, and possibly and hopefully not for much longer... Because like they have for Millenias and more recently when it's time for truth to be revealed, will Destroyed me and all those who would reject them, and lying is not will keep you safe from their hate for those who can not truthfully bear them... And will dare do this in the name of GOD, or even claim that one of them is GOD himself, and Conveniently to others claims himself to be the Devil... Well, interesting Ironic if you knew the truth about their Religious Beliefs.

WoooHoo... Isn't a Wonderful Hoggy Poopy Wonderful World...

Otherwise, for those of you who already know about this Curse... And somehow still NEED love... Well, know that a little Prozac mostly does the trick... Lovely... Isn't our pathetic Hoggy Poopy Wonderful World "Beautiful"...? AGOLOVE Versus CHEMICAL Artificial Prozac "Happiness" which ironically is also basically the easiest way to numb your Heart... well for all of you heartfully needy fucks of course... ha ha ha ha... Otherwise... Ever heard of Meditation or... HATE... Lasts possibly much Longer and can be most definitely STRONGER than Love. And the Orgasms you get from it can be so very Extatically Satisfying... And one Hell of a Work Out... Aaaahhh... If I only had Legal Means to do what I Fantize about...

Otherwise to all the Pathetic Prozac heads (other than those who are genetically depressed) out there... What is it can't take it...? Oh no... Achey Breacky... Ouchy Ouchy... Oh No... Too Bad you don't have enough of a Brain Power to know how to deal with Depression...

ha ha ha ha...

You make me Laugh you Brainless Fucks... Ain't thay funny you laughing at me... Me laughing at you... Huummm... And I wonder does that Prozac help you Pathetic fucks Live in Denial... But... call you whores... And Oooooh... Kaboom... Here comes a Hard Hit from Reality... Suffocate it all you want... You can't Hide from the Truth... Oh Let's Thank Prozac again to help you stand up with False Pride... And for those who know, we are not blind what you really are... Just a bunch of completely ridiculous Freaks who fall a part of being too aware of their Reality, Junkies to your Social Appearances, Crippled without that oh so very seemingly acceptable drug that is Prozac... And... Actually, are you sure you shouldn't be classified in the Junky Section... Oooooo No... So very frowned upon by Masonry, after all, in some cases they damned me to schizophrenia for being a Pothead... And for those of us who know the truth, including especially you, the truth about Prozac, is that is a thousand times more destructive to our world than almost any drug... All others to my knowledge are lostly just self destructive if destructive at all...

Otherwise, for those interested... If ou get yourself a hold on some REAL Prozac (somehow... impossible to get a hold of here in Paris), well it's basically the same as Extacy at a Low Dosage... Isn't that ironic... Ever noticed how Pamela Anderssson... Which I am assuming is one hell of a prozac head... Looks in a Weirdly Interesting Way kind Reminds me of a Person is Like on Extacy... So if your into E(cstasy)s... Or have Insomnia... Pop a bunch after a sleepless night and it will "perk you right up" if you know what I mean... Just like the reputation of Coffee... And Ironically, I'm pretty damn suspicious that people who go arround perked up on Coffee are actually on a high dosage of Prozac... Just Check their Pupils...

Otherwise... Oh yeah... If you're already on Prozac and Reguarly ever so Often do Extacy... I think it's likely that if you won't get that jiffy high you normally get on E(cstasy), you will likely just feel the the effects of Speed present in Extacy and possibly God knows what else is in it...

Oh Yeah one more thing, to all you Prozac Heads... Oh OOooo Noooo... Quitting will... Guess what give the same Side effects of Long Term use of E(cstasy)! Basically fall into Long term depression, because, your brain, beyond a certain tolerance level will no longer be able to produce Seratonin like it would normally... Of Course their are Ways... Well at Least a Theory of Mine to Get over Long Term Depression... Have a Look at My "ideas& theories Blog" for My Theoretical Solution to Long Term Depression...

*: If you decide to this be Smug, or you can often end being even bigger fools, because it can sometimes beyond your abilities for more than one reason... For one your Emotions of Hateful Revenge can make you somewhat irrational and harder to fool, especially since it it takes quite a bit of talent in the Art of Lying, and then there is also the effects of Black Magic take hold of you... But there are other Ways... People in who are Specialists at this sort of Thing...

**: Comforters often take advantage of these Circumstances to Build strong Emotional Bonds (or worse...) with these Agonic Lovers...

***: You Might Know This, but these "Hoggy Poops" are famous for Wipping out Paddington... By Torturing People To Death with their Voices, infused with their "Beautifully" Unbearable Personalites... They Basically Impose Their Presence on The New Inhabitants of the houses that they used to Squat in that Area, Until these New Residents Suicide...! I've heard that there is a strong likelyness that a Nearby Park, is where they Burry their Victims...


Why Sodomy Is(was?) Considered an Evil Damnable Act By The Vatican

Strangely, There Seems to be Certain "Humans" which are also Members of Masonry... That I Basically Call the "Hoggy Poops", who Mostly Like to Perceive Themselves as Bears rather than Hogs... And in as God To Some while Satan To Others... Eitherway, Especially To Me These "Hoggy Poops" Especially for "Pahpah Hoggy Poop" have Unmistakable Auras of Hogs, and are Neither God or Satan, Just Real Amazingly Degenerate Poshy Freaks...

Furthermores, it Abarently Seems that They are OBSSESED, with having one of Them Marry Me, and Given that Their Jewish* and "Interestingly" enough have Strong Power on the Vatican, or the an Important Mind in the Vatican... And... According To My Theory Have found a way To Get Me To Reincarnate as a Jewish Girl, by Making Sodomy an Evil enough Act to Punish Me To Be Born Jewish... Humm... How interestingly Convenient... Especially given thier Obssesion to Try To Get Me To Marry Them... Which is why the Reason why they have been or have ben attempting to Destroy Me, supposedly As Far Back as Roman Antiquity... And What is The True Reason of Their Obssession of Marrying Me When Ever I Am a Woman... I Still Don't Quiet Know... Is it Because I was Rhamiel, The Angel Of Love and Friendship (See My Post about My Previous Incarnations) or is it because My Gift Of Foresight, or because among the Various Supposed Types of Human "Races" that Masonry likes to classify People by (Like the Whore Race), The Hog Race Still Have NEVER Been able To Seduce Me... Although their attempts have been Numerous, and when ever I am Not a Woman, to Satisfy their Overbearing Inferior Complex, They Love Making "Interestingly" Purposefully Flawed Social Experiments on Me To make Me Seem Inferior To One of Them or actually because they rather not do these Experiments on them selves do them with another more Normal Looking "Human" Ally(?)... Like their Favorite "Little Asshole Fraud Buddha"... Otherwise, when ever I'm a woman as far Back as Roman Antiquity these have been Destroying my Life when Ever

Otherwise... In Mostly this Life Time I have been Destructively Pursued by ""Pahpah Hoggy Poop's" dear Son: The "Hoggy Care Poop", who is an Excrutiatingly Disturbing "Human", not only because of his Looks, but Rather more because of his Personality which Reeks of Disturbing Degenerance and Insistant Romantic Cheesy Clichés, just his Presence is Pain to Me... Other than this Little ""Hoggy Care Poop", which I call Urky, and his Parents... Is Terdy, the Twatty Paddington ""Hoggy Poop" who I believe that during the Victorian Era was named Edward** and was the A Masonry Cop That Was Pretending To Investigate On Jack The Ripper...

Well anyway... So that's What my Theory Is About Why The Vatican Damns the "Evil" Act of Sodommy... Which I'm Sorry But I Still don't Understand Why This Act Has Anything to do with True Evilness.

*: Huumm... I Wonder in the Context of What I Believe about Jews, or Should rather JUDAIC "People" (See Post about "Jews & Hebrews"), Who is God To JUDAIC People...? Huumm... Real Hard One... Huh...

**: Edward who Possibly one of the Smartest of The "Hoggy Poops" and the one has been the Most Destructive to Me and also likely The World... For Example, He is Responsible for the very Infamous Unofficial Unethical "Scientific" Experiments Made on Jews during the 2nd World War... Although he was himself Jewish... For People like him among the Nazis the Swastika was about making the World Degenerate, not Purifying it (See my Post about "What I Believe Was The True Aim Of The Nazi Government") And since then has been attempting to make the human Race as Degenerate as Possible, to make Sure that there is no one or not enough people to Threaten the Position of Power that Him and the Rest of the Hoggy Poops have in our World.
