Tuesday, March 11, 2014


According to Me The 3 Pair of Arms Traditionally Associated in the Representations of Shiva, which other than being the Indian Goddess of Destruction and Construction, Could also be Equatedd with The Egyptian Goddesses: Hathor, Sketmet and Bastet who are often Associated to being the same Goddess. This Basically Meaning that Shiva Had 3 identities, and this for a very Specific Reason. According to me it Relates to the Various Tasks she Executed, and given their Different Natures, Required that She Had the Necessity To Use 3 Identities. Her Hathor Version, being her Queen/Ruller Identity, Her Sekmet Identity, her Destructive/Vidictive Identity, and her Bastet Identity, her "Leasure"* Identity.

Otherwise, In Greek Mythology, I Equate Hathor with Persephone, Sekmet with Nemesis and Bastet with Artemis. As for Equivalents in Angeology, so far the oly Equivalent of this Trio, is the Equivalent of Sekmet/Nemesis: Af (Angel of Wrath).

*: By "Leasure", I Mean Tasks not Traditionally Associated or Accepted for Queenly or Vendictive Duties, Something More Similar to What Most People Call Today Work, and this Would therefor be Shiva's Constructive Side...


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