Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Interpretation of Ezekiel 25:17

According Me Like Most Scared Texts, Over Time Translations and Re-interpretation of Original Sacred Texts Are Likely To Have Lost Some Of Their Meaning...

"Ezekiel 25-17, The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the Selfish & the Tearing of Evil men, Blessed is he who in the name of Charity & Good will, Sheppard's the Weak through the Valley of Darkness, for he is Truly his Brothers keeper & the finder of lost Children & I will Strike Down upon thee with Great VENGEANCE & FURIOUS ANGER those who Attempt to Poison & Destroy my Brothers, & you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my VENGEANCE upon thee."

As For The Specific Example Of The Bible Extract Ezekiel 25:17, I Personnaly Believe that the Words "... The Finder of Lost Children...", was Somehow Possibly (?) Reinterpreted from "...To What I Believe Was Originally Finder of Lost SOULS...", and  "my Brothers" something more like "my allies" as for "...And You Will Know My Name Is The Lord..." which Originally given That it Was Translated During The Feudal Era is To Be Possibly Undrestood as The LORD of the LAND(s) and Therefor Should Truthfuly Be Understood Within this Context as "...And You Will Know I Am Your MASTER..." Also The LORD of The LAND(s) is This Context the MASTER of his People, which are Therefor were Basically like Slaves or in that Historical Context, Or More Precisely known as Serfs.

Otherwise, Why is "Lord" Always (?) Interpreted or Labeled as GOD Himself...?


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