Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Theory as To What Astrology Originally Was...

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According to my Deductions, it is my that the Ancient Western Mythological System of Astrology, might have Possibly Originally been, like what I Believe The I-Ching to be, Actually, has Nothing to Do about your Birth Date (well unless, Your (re)incarnation is Magically Corresponds with the Help of Luck to this System), but Rather Relating to Genetics, and thus according to what we traditionnally associate it to today, also to your Personnality. So Basically Genetics Dertermine your Personnality, which is also Affected by your Intellectual Abilities, which is also Determined by Genetics... And the I-Ching, or what Astrology Possibly Orginally was, is and Always was linked to Genetics, and very likely not only Applied to Humans, but also, other Annimals, Plants, and even Possibly, or Rather Likely also Simpler Inanimate Chemical Combinations of Atoms...


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